Today we have a rumor that seems to place the character Enfys Nest in the Cassian Andor show. Enfys Nest first appeared in Solo and it turned out that he was a she, and not only that, but an adolescent. I honestly did not think we would see Enfys again, especially after what a flop Solo was. However scooper Noah Outlaw posted this yesterday on Twitter. Check it out.
I’ve said it before but don’t be surprised if Enfys Nest shows up in the Cassian Andor series..
— Noah Outlaw (@OutlawNoah) July 14, 2020
I have no doubt Outlaw knows his scoops and has a decent hit rate. However, I don’t like the way this scoop is worded. If Enfys Nest doesn’t show up in Cassian Andor, Outlaw can say, ‘ all I said was I wouldn’t be surprised to see her.’ Whereas if Enfys does show up, Outlaw can say, ‘see I called it.’
I would prefer a bit more clarity on a scoop. Something like this. ‘From what I have heard from sources, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Enfys Nest show up in Cassian Andor’. You see the difference? So I’m not fully sure whether to call this a rumor or a bit of guess work as a result? I’m going to assume the former considering the business Outlaw is in. So let’s talk about Enfys Nest.
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Kyle and I talked about this rumor already today in LRMornings (see above related link), neither of us was excited by it. That has nothing to do with actress Erin Kellyman by the way. Kellyman was so briefly on screen in Solo that we didn’t get to see much of the actress, and she’s been good in other roles I have seen. Instead we both simply disliked the role Enfys Nest plays in Solo.
Why did they have to link Han Solo to the Rebellion at this point in his life? Han was a pirate and a smuggler, and very much a man of the Universe when we first saw him in Star Wars. Han develops into a hero across three movies, and yet Solo had Han as a rather naïve but good hearted soul. I just don’t think that ties in with how Ford played Solo in A New Hope.
Solo had far bigger issues than Enfys Nest, let’s be honest. However, all I am saying here is, Enfys Nest appearing in Cassian Andor would do nothing to excite me for that show. Cassian Andor is the upcoming Disney+ show I worry most about. I of course expected to see perhaps Mon Mothma or Bail Organa show up. I honestly couldn’t care less if I never hear from Enfys Nest again though.
What do you think of this Enfys Nest in the Cassian Andor show rumor? Let us know in the usual place.
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SOURCE: Noah Outlaw (via Twitter)