The Comic Source Podcast Episode 289 – Spotlight on Jirni

In this episode we discuss;

Lost in Space

Lost in Space Coverage from WonderCon

Ninjak vs The Valiant Universe

A chat with Aaron Schoenke from Bat in the Sun

The Comic Source Podcast

Episode 289

Spotlight on Jirni


  1. Jirni
    1. The story so far …
      1. Vol 1  Synopsis
        1. Character and World Discovery
      2. Vol 2 Synopsis
        1. Building on What Has Come Before
      3. Vol 3
        1. Where does the story go from here
      4. Themes
        1. Belonging
        2. Free Will
      5. Characters
        1. Ara – Why choose a female protagonist?
          1. Growth for Ara
          2. Jirni vs Journey
        2. Torinthal
          1. Challenge of writing villains?
          2. Unredeemable qualities
          3. Relating to the reader
      6. Setting
        1. Why the Middle Eastern Folk setting?
  2. Upcoming projects
  3. Anything else to share with our listeners?
  4. Where to find JT on social media
    1. Follow J.T. on Twitter
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