Eternals 2 – Did Patton Oswalt Reveal It’s Happening On TV?

Eternals 2, will it happen? Well, it kinda seems like Patton Oswalt revealed it is happening on TV. Oswalt appeared very briefly in the post-credit stinger from Eternals as Pip the Troll alongside Harry Styles’ Starfox, aka Eros, brother of Thanos. Oswalt was a guest on Today Show and as you can see from the Link that he was asked about what comes next for Pip the Troll and Starfox?

Now Let’s be clear what Oswalt says here. He says,

“they announced there is going to be an Eternals sequel and Chloe Zhao is going to direct it.”

Now clearly ‘they’ being Marvel Studios announced nothing of the sort. Not at SDCC and not after either. So therefore I’m going to guess that Oswalt was told it’s happening and it’ll likely be announced at SCCC. When it was not, he may have just assumed it was. The only other explanation is that Oswalt is referring to rumors the sequel is in the works. However, you’d imagine that Oswalt knows more than your average bear i.e. us when it comes to Eternals 2. You know, since he’s very likely going to be in it.

Therefor, did Patton Oswalt reveal Eternals 2 is happening on TV? Maybe, maybe not. Judge for yourself.

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There may be some surprised fans if Eternals 2 does get the green light. The movie was not critically acclaimed, nor particularly loved by fans. I personally enjoyed it more than it seems most here at LRM/GenreVerse. However, I can absolutely accept it’s not an easy film to enjoy at times.

One thing worth mentioning, again, is the pre-SDCC trademarks that Marvel/Disney registered. Whilst there was no Eternals 2, or any Eternals project listed, there was something referred to as Celestials: End of Time. However we need to remember that not every trademark was more movies or shows. There will be comics, games and potentially animated series in that mix. We know for sure that some of the ones not announced at SDCC are not live-action projects. Ultimately, we just cannot say, but an Eternals sequel called Celestials is not that inappropriate when you think about it. Plus, Captain Marvel 2 was changed into The Marvels, so there is a precedent.

Will I be surprised if Celestials: End of Time is the official title of Eternals 2, nope. Will I be surprised if Celestial: End of Time is nothing to do with Eternals 2, nope. All I can report is the details, the decisions are yours to make.

What do you think? Did Patton Oswalt reveal Eternals 2 is happening on TV? As always, leave anything below, or over on Discord.

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