Following on from yesterday’s cover reveals for this month’s Vanity Fair Star Wars: The Last Jedi special, the outlet has today revealed a lot more photographs from their piece. Whilst not a lot of plot details as you’d expect from the secrecy experts, there are confirmations of some of the things we have previously shared as rumour.
Although we have tried to incorporate the most important details here it’s always worth checking out the full article over at Vanity Fair for a much more detailed look.
Definitely my favorite photo of the set is the one with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher embracing. This is a reunion we’ve all been waiting for, and one can only hope we get to see some kind of reunion between Luke and Leia and that this was not held back for Episode IX.
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We have confirmation that Canto Bight is indeed the name of the casino type planet from The Last Jedi, and that Benicio Del Toro’s character is indeed referred to as DJ, though Rian Johnson does say, “You’ll see there’s a reason why we call him DJ,” meaning that might not be how they refer to him in the movie itself.
In reference to the look of DJ and the Canto Bight residence, Johnson stated:
“I was thinking, o.k., let’s go ultra-glamour. Let’s create a playground, basically, for the rich assholes.”
Additionally, this film will also introduce new character Admiral Amilyn Holdo played by seasoned actress Laura Dern. All in all, this photoshoot really seemed to confirm a lot of rumored aspects of the film, which really does wonders for the credibility for sites like Making Star Wars and Star Wars News Net, as most of said rumors came from these fansites. Though despite having the smallest idea of what to expect down the line, we have no doubt there will be plenty of surprises still in store for us.
What do you think of the photo’s and final confirmation of some rumors? Are you more excited for The Last Jedi? Let us know in the comments section below. Let the speculation commence!
Star Wars The Last Jedi is released on December 18th this year.
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Source: Vanity Fair
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