Well fellow fans, we’re just a few days away from the release of the Mortal Kombat reboot. A film I’ve waited a long time for which from all I’ve seen heard, and read is going to do right by the franchise and be a good movie.
To celebrate the film’s upcoming release I’ve put together a shortlist of what I think are interesting facts about the ORIGINAL Mortal Kombat film. Now while most of you might know some of these facts and some of you might know most of them, I figure there are fans out there who are unaware of these fun factoids. You can find the list below.
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Kombat Kasting
Big names such as Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise were considered for the role of Johnny Cage. The role initially went to before Brandon Lee. However, when Lee was killed in a tragic accident on the set of The Crow, Linden Ashby was cast as the kharacter. Cameron Diaz was given the role of Sonya Blade until she hurt her wrist while training for the part. Brigette Wilson-Sampras, who previously turned down the role to appear in Billy Madison, was then brought back aboard.
Bringing Goro To Life Wasn’t Cheap
The puppet used for the film had a million-dollar price tag. It was also said to be a huge pain the ass for the crew and took over a dozen people to operate. The new Goro is of course CGI and will likely become the definitive film version.
Tom Cruise Could Have been Johnny Cage
Tom Cruise apparently turned down the role of Johnny Cage, along with several other actors. Cruise instead chose to play Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible (well done sir). After turning down the role Cruise tried to visit the set but was turned away by a medic.
Steven Spielberg Was Meant To Cameo In The First Move
Spielberg used to be a big gamer. And when the famed director heard the news of a Mortal Kombat film adaptation, he wanted to appear in a cameo. but scheduling conflicts, unfortunately prevented Spielberg from appearing in the film, and look-alike in writer and actor Sandy Helberg was used instead.
Ed Boon Was Not A Fan of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
This isn’t surprising as I doubt anyone would call themselves a ‘big’ fan of the film. Boon was asked in an interview with Complex to name the worst moment in Mortal Kombat history and he had the following to say
“That’s a tough one. I don’t know if this is my least favorite memory, but I wasn’t a big fan of the second movie.”
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I hope you enjoyed these bits of trivia about the first Mortal Kombat film. I feel confident in saying the franchise’s film redemption is just around the corner with a release this Friday, April 16, on HBO Max and in theaters.
Source: Complex