I hate to point fingers, but DC is looking more and more like the Titanic. Week in and week out, leaks spring that signal this ship is sinking and maybe too fast for the merrymakers at DC to plug the holes. Just to recap the type of year DC has been having, let’s remember back to March 2016. DC’s two flagship starts set arm to arm answering questions in a post-Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Q & A. Our ever-vigilante caped crusader played by Ben Affleck just drifts off into his thoughts during the interview looking like the perfect time to cue Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence.” It was an epic moment. One that fans saw as an early sign that Affleck was not charmed by the Batsuit, and maybe wanted out of a certain contract.
If that wasn’t enough to rock the boat, making fans feel queasier is the back and forth on whether Affleck was in the director’s seat or out of it. With the World’s Greatest Detective unsure whether he’d be behind the camera, in front of the camera, both or none. This ship DC built and hoped would haul in gushing critics, screaming fangirls and fanboys, and tons of money seems to be dead in the water. At least so when it comes to the idea of bringing a shared universe to the big screen. One in which Batman dive bombs into a group of murderous clowns as Wonder Woman lassos with Tarzan like grace to drop down beside a blazing red-eyed Superman as he hammers away at Doomsday. Fans held out hope. There are even some that enjoyed the on-screen display no matter how convoluted it felt.
Then days ago, it hits us. Henry Cavil might be out as Supes? As of this writing, it seems to be open to debate. Warner Bros has has refuted the departure. Cavil took to Instagram and confirmed that he has an unboxed twelve-inch size action figure of himself.
Check it out if you somehow missed it in our earlier reports.
Maybe he’s keeping it as memorabilia to remind him why never to set foot on a DC ship. I don’t know. But if Affleck and Cavil are both out, what’s that mean for the rest of DC’s interconnected slate of projects? Wonder Woman? Aquaman? The Flash? Cyborg?
Then there was the rumor DC may be ousting its Flash directors. Where these rumors came from, no one could seem to figure it out. Luckily, this is quickly batted down by TheWrap‘s Umberto Gonzalez.
So, as it stands, the film looks to be barreling into production. It’s hard to feel super positive about this in light of all the other aforementioned news, but it’s at least one bad rumor down. But does this help you feel any more positive? Let us know down below!
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