Some concerning news as Harrison Ford injured on Indy 5 set. Ford injured his shoulder during rehearsal for a fight scene. According to Deadline, Ford had to take a hiatus from filming in order to assess the severity of the injury. In the meantime it is reported that director James Mangold will continue to shoot in the absence of his star.
“In the course of rehearsing for a fight scene, Harrison Ford sustained an injury involving his shoulder,” a Disney spokesperson said in a statement. “Production will continue while the appropriate course of treatment is evaluated, and the filming schedule will be reconfigured as needed in the coming weeks.”
For now the buzz is that this injury should not cause any major delays. As they say in the Disney statement, the production schedule will be reconfigured once the extent of Ford’s recovery period is known. I guess it may simply be a case of having to reorder certain scenes to keep some shoots planned for later on in the production once Ford has healed.
The injury for now does not seem to be as bad as the one Ford suffered whilst filming The Force Awakens in 2015. A hydraulic door closed on Ford’s leg and he had to stop filming completely for a time, delaying the shoot. Ford’s insistence on trying to do as many stunts as he can has often landed the actor in hospital. However, with the actor now 78 years old, those injuries happen easier and take longer to heal.
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I’ve said often enough that Ford and my own father share a birthday. My old man tripped on the stairs the other day there. Not a big fall at all (up not down), but the bruising and injury level seemed more severe than you’d expect. That’s being almost 80 for you.
I’m sure Ford will have to do a little less stunt work this time around that he was able to pull off in previous movies. Perhaps Ford’s injury will soon allow him to perform in the non action scenes? Perhaps Ford will allow the stunt guys to do a little more? Or, perhaps not, Ford is a bit nuts for a man his age after all.
It’s also worth noting once again that we have some really bad fake plots for Indy 5 flying about. Most of these are plainly obviously fake. ‘You can tell by the cross sections!’ However, just a warning for those that may see headlines. If there was a rough plot leak I thought had a chance of being real I would share it. Currently all we truly know of Indy 5‘s plot is the information from set photos and videos we have already shared. So ‘Close your eyes Marion and don’t look at it.’
What do you think about the news of Ford injured on Indy 5 set? As always leave any comments in the usual spot below. It’s a transmitter, it’s a radio for speaking to geeks, and it’s within your reach.