After this year’s E3 one of the stories which has grown arms and legs is the issue of cross-play and cross-save between different console brands. Head of Xbox Phil Spencer spoke about how he envisions a world where a parent can buy any console for their child and the not have to worry about whether they can play multi-platform games with their friends.
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What is Phil talking about here? Well recently Xbox have been talking with Nintendo to allow consumers to be able to start playing games with one another whether you are on Xbox One, PC or Nintendo Switch. Sounds great for the consumer in theory, but there is one big problem with this plan and that’s Sony, who seem reluctant to even begin talks about this with their rivals.
Another issue with regards to cross save has also crept up to further put pressure on Sony. Players who have created an Epic account to play hit game Fortnite on PS4, and then decided they loved the game so much they bought it for Switch or Xbox have encountered an issue. Epic will not allow them to use their existing Epic account, because it is tied to Sony’s PS4. Whereas if you buy Fortnite initially for Xbox or PC, it will allow you to use your Epic account on Switch as well.
Now Former Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley has weighed in with the reason why Sony is blocking this. Here is what Smedley said in a tweet on Monday as first reported by Variety.
“When I was at Sony, the stated reason internally for this was money, they didn’t like someone buying something on a Xbox and it being used on a PlayStation. Simple as that. Dumb reason, but there it is.”
Money, ooh how evil of Sony, or is it? Let’s face it, folks, despite the PR angles, no one makes products for the good of gaming or for the good of cinema etc. They are in this to make money, it’s a business. Even Xbox head Phil Spencer said after E3 that he can understand why Sony are reluctant given how much of a huge market lead they have. Having to own a Sony machine to play with friends who own Sony machines is a selling point for them and gives them the advantage over their competitors.
Would I love to see the barrier broken down, would I like to be able to play with friends I’ve made, no matter which console they choose? Yes, of course, I would and I bet so would all consumers, because it has only positive benefits for the actual gamer. However, at the same time, I think if this is ever going to truly happen it will be when the next generation of consoles comes in. Currently, rumors point to both Sony and Xbox announces their new generation consoles for release sometime in 2020, but that could change.
What do you think of this news, would you like to see both cross-play and cross-save coming to all brands? Share your comments in the usual place below.
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SOURCE: Variety