Joss Whedon’s beloved series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, took the idea of monsters chasing a pretty blonde girl and turned it on its head. This show had the pretty blonde girl chasing the monsters. While the movie that came before the series pretty much tanked, the series was very successful. In this age of bringing shows back. Speaking recently in Jerusalem at the INTV conference, Fox group chair discussed the possibility of bringing Buffy back:
“It’s something we talk about frequently, and Joss Whedon is really one of the greatest creators we ever worked with. When Joss decides it’s time, we’ll do it. And until Joss decides it’s time, it won’t happen.”
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The story of Buffy lasted seven seasons with Sarah Michelle Gellar in the title role. The story continued on through the platform of comic books, with the books carrying the story to Season 10. If Fox were to revive Buffy, I would certainly watch it. It has been 20 years since the show started and an updated version might not be a bad idea. Buffy would fit right in with today’s world of female badasses on television including, Game of Thrones‘ Daenerys Targaryen and The Walking Dead’s Maggie Greene.
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Source: INTV Conference (via Variety)