Firefly may have only survived a short-lived season on television way back at the turn of the century, but that hasn’t stopped fandom from talking about it non-stop. It’s the show that everyone seems to agree was way ahead of its time, as it tried to blend serialized storytelling with episodic storytelling. It had worked in other Joss Whedon shows, but didn’t strike a chord with enough audiences at the time. For the record, I’m lukewarm on the property.
But my own opinions aside, there’s no doubt that this single-seasoned series (along with the film Serenity) has somehow stayed in the conversation over the decades, and now it sounds like FOX is open to a revival of sorts.
“The macro answer is, any time we look at one of our classic titles, if there’s a way to reinvent it for today so it’s as resonant now as the original was, and is, to the fans, we’re wide open,” Fox’s president of entertainment, Michael Thorn, told TheWrap. “I loved ‘Firefly,’ personally, and I watched every episode. I didn’t work on it, but I loved the show. It had come up before, but we had ‘The Orville’ on the air and it didn’t make sense for us to have, as a broadcast network who is very targeted, to have two space franchises on our air.”
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But with The Orville now at Hulu, the potential does seem there.
“In this crowded marketplace, if you can start with some kind of brand awareness and IP that has a vocal support and, in this case, a crazy, passionate love for it, you’re ahead of the game.”
“But we have talked about different permutations and how that might work,” executive producer Tim Minear pondered. “Do you take two of the characters and put them in a different place and sort of retell a new story with two old characters, with new characters?”
“You’re not gonna get everybody back — unless you did something like a limited series, like they did for ‘The X-Files,’” Minear continued. “Then maybe you could get these people to come back. ‘Cause Nathan is a little busy doing ‘The Rookie.’ But I also know, ’cause I just texted a little bit with Nathan over the weekend, when I posted those pictures from ‘Firefly’ and he got very sentimental. Everyone who worked on that show dearly loves it and they all still talk to each other. I still see Alan occasionally.”
All in all, the answer seems clear.
“I would love to see, like, an eight- or 10-episode limited adventure in that universe.”
What do you think? Is that enough? Do you care? Should we all just move on and create another space cowboy series? Also, can Netflix hurry up and get Cowboy Bebop made?
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