The good folks over at JoBlo have unleashed a wave of scoops regarding Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice today. According to the site, their sources have uncovered all kinds of details about what to expect in the film and- though none of it has been confirmed and must therefore be considered a rumor- you should beware that *SPOILERS* could very well lie ahead. So proceed at your own PERIL!
Let’s get started with some of the smaller, simpler stuff before we dive into the meat and potatoes of their report: Wonder Woman. They’ve got a lot on her. But we’ll get to that.
First things first: Luthor’s Motivations
According to JoBlo, the Lex Luthor that we’ll be treated to in Batman v Superman will be something of a narcissist. Unlike the criminal mastermind of previous Superman films, or the corporate titan of other Supes projects, or even the mad scientist from several early incarnations of the character, Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex is a tech genius that thinks he’s “God’s gift to mankind.” Therefore, when the Godlike Superman made his big splash showing the world what he can do- collateral damage be DAMNED- Lex didn’t take too kindly. Feeling threatened by the super-powered alien, Lex leads a public campaign to get people to distrust Superman and think of him as “the ultimate threat.”
Think he’ll publish photos of Supes kissing his girlfriend amidst the floating ashes of the thousands of dead Metropolis citizens in the middle of his battle with Zod? I would imagine that would stir up some controversy.
Up next: Bruce Wayne’s Pad
According to their exclusive scoop, Wayne Manor will be in the film. But there’s a twist! Perhaps put off by the trappings of the billionaire playboy lifestyle that he exudes to the public, Bruce doesn’t stay there. Where he actually resides is a small, much more modest home somewhere else on the Wayne property. Aside from being quieter and more modest, the small home also serves as the entrance to…The Batcave. The cave is directly beneath Wayne’s bachelor pad, and will feature all of the things we’ve come to expect from it.
And here’s the BIG stuff: Wonder Woman
It looks like JoBlo’s scoopers doubled down on their Wonder Woman research, cause they had a ton to share about her in their report. For starters, they confirm that she will have a fair amount of screen time. Her part is no simple cameo, as Diana- which is how she will be introduced at first- will play a substantial role in the film. We’ll see her as Diana. We’ll see her as Wonder Woman. And she’ll factor into the final battle- which will be against a currently unknown villain that is said to be under the control, or the influence, of Luthor.
As for her costume and weaponry, the site says that it’s not going to be some sort of drastic reinvention. On the contrary, they describe the costume as a sleeker version of Wonder Woman’s traditional garb.
“She’ll have a blue leather skirt, silver-armored cuffs that reach to her elbows, golden tiara (with a design of some sort in the center, possibly the red star) and a variation of the traditional-looking red top (no word on additional armor on it). – JoBlo”
Also, she’ll have four different bits of artillery at her disposal. That would be a shield, sword, spear, and- of course- her lasso. They also note that she’ll be wearing the shield on her back, similar to Batman v Superman‘s release date rival Captain America.
What do you think, fanboy nation? Is this stoking your fires and driving you crazy with excitement? Personally, I still can’t muster much of any interest in any of this because- at the end of the day- it’s still a Zack Snyder production. But I hope you’re psyched, and I hope to be pleasantly surprised when I go see this…a week after seeing Captain America 3.
Kudos to JoBlo on the scoop! Hope it’s all proven true. Great work, guys!