The ABC family sitcom Fresh Off the Boat will be ending after the sixth season which is currently airing. The show follows a young Eddie Huang, who in real life is a jack of all trades, including a celebrity chef, food personality, producer and a lawyer. The series is the first in quite a while that highlights the everyday life of an Asian-American family. Set in the 1990s, the show also exudes a good amount of nostalgia, especially for someone my age.
With a great cast including the always welcome Randall Park, the show coming to an end is bittersweet. President of ABC entertainment, Karey Burke, had the following to say, you can check it out below.
“We couldn’t be prouder of this game-changing show and the impact it has had on our cultural landscape. The success of Fresh Off the Boat has helped pave the way for inclusion throughout the industry. [Series creator] Nahnatchka Khan and her brilliant creative team have created an unforgettable series with an Asian-American family front and center, something that hadn’t been done in two decades. The cast, led by Randall Park and Constance Wu, is one of the finest and funniest on television. We’ll miss the Huang family, and are eternally grateful for the incredibly heartfelt stories they have told these past six seasons.”
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Source: THR