Hawkeye Was Originally Supposed To Be A Movie

Marvel Studios has always been perceived as the studio with a plan. Every few years, Kevin Feige hops up on stage and reveals a whole slate of movies at various stages of development, and we pretty much take it as gospel. However, as they’ve proved in the past, they’re very flexible about the movies on there, the time frame, and how it all plays out.

This has extended to today. They may have revealed a Phase 4 of the MCU that includes several Disney+ projects as recently as this past July, but we already see some big changes being made in terms of the projects being included.

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With that in mind, it’s no surprise that we’re now learning that the Hawkeye series was once supposed to be a feature film. Speaking with Bloomberg, Feige said he was initially nervous about speaking with star Jeremy Renner about turning the film into a series.

“He totally got it and said, ‘Let’s do it,’ ” Feige told the outlet.

Was this ultimately a good move? We’ll obviously have to wait to see the show first, but it’s cool to see that they have these projects start off as films, and it really drives home the idea that they’re taking them seriously, and not actively working to decrease their scope simply because they’re TV experiences.

Additionally, as much as I love Hawkeye, I’m not sure it’s the kind of movie that would have done gangbusters at the box office. But you never know…

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SOURCE: Bloomberg

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