A bit of bad news as FX’s animated Deadpool series has been cancelled due to creative difference with multitalented star, Donald Glover. A statement from the network follows below:
“Due to creative differences, FX, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover and Marvel Television have agreed to part ways on Marvel’s Deadpool animated series. FX will no longer be involved with the project. FX and Marvel have an ongoing relationship through our partnership on Legion, which will continue.”
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This is a real bummer as the talents of Donald Glover combined with the character of Deadpool would have been a nice match. I for one, could always use some more Deadpool, and was very much looking forward to this series. It is likely in the coming days, or even weeks, we will learn more about the reasons for the parting of ways between Glover and FX.
With the popularity of the character sure to grow beyond its current level after the May release of the live-action Deadpool 2, it is always possible the project could be revived at some point in the future, unfortunately it will likely be without the stylings of Donald Glover and his brother Stephen, who were set to be writers and producers on the show.
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Source: Deadline