Ganymede | Colby Holt and Sam Probst on Gay Thriller with Aversion Therapy


Despite the controversy of aversion and conversion therapy, many states still use the process of converting homosexuals to heterosexuality. In Ganymede, it becomes a thriller and horror for one young gay man conflicted with his sexuality.

The film stars Jordan Doww (Reach), Pablo Castelblanco (Alaska Daily, Happy’s Place), David Koechner (Anchorman, Cheap Thrills), Robyn Lively (Teen Witch), Joe Chrest (Stranger Things), and Marissa Reyes (Raven’s Home). Colby Holt and Sam Probst directed the film based on Holt’s script.

Here is the official synopsis:

When a small-town wrestling star develops a crush on an openly gay classmate, he begins to be stalked by a grotesque that invades his thoughts, all the while struggling to live up to the standard set by his legacy-obsessed dad.

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LRM Online’s Gig Patta spoke with directors Colby Holt and Sam Probst about the concept of Ganymede, aversion therapy, and the creation of gay thriller.

Ganymede debuts on Friday, August 6.

Watch the exclusive interview with Colby Holt and Sam Probst below. Let us know what you think of the interview.

For news and interviews, contact Gig Patta at [email protected]. Follow,, or for all his postings and musings in entertainment.

Source: LRM Online Exclusive, VMI Releasing

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