The Mouse Trap | Simon Phillips on Bringing Mickey Mouse Into the Horror Genre

The Mouse Trap

The original Mickey Mouse from the 1928 animated short film Steamboat Willie had its trademark expired after nine decades and entered into the public domain. In anticipation, Simon Phillips raced to be the first filmmaker to feature Mickey Mouse in a non-Disney film—particularly in a first horror film.

The film stars Phillips, Sophie McIntosh (The Sacrifice Game, Bury the Past), Madeline Kelman (Skin Deep, Dark Side of the 2000s), Ben Harris, Callum Sywyk (I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead), and Mireille Gagne (Midnight Harvest, I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead).

Here is the official synopsis:

It’s Alex’s 21st birthday, but she’s stuck at the amusement arcade on a late shift so her friends decide to surprise her, but a masked killer dressed as Mickey Mouse decides to play a game of his own with them which she must survive.

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LRM Online’s Gig Patta talked with Simon Phillips about the trademark expiration, the Mickey Mouse costume, the horror story, and the cast ensemble.

Simone Phillips is a British actor best known for the Netflix movie FUBAR with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his role in season three of The Witcher. He was also recognized for his gruesome portrayal of Santa Claus in Once Upon A Time at Christmas and The Nights Before Christmas.

The Mouse Trap will be released on digital platforms on August 6 and then on DVD/Blu-ray on August 13.

Watch the exclusive interview with Simon Phillips below. Let us know what you think of the interview.

For news and interviews, contact Gig Patta at [email protected]. Follow,, or for all his postings and musings in entertainment.

Source: LRM Online Exclusive, Gravitas Ventures

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