While we’ve had several good college tries over the past few years when it comes to video game movies, we still haven’t had a straight-up hit. In a world where Detective Pikachu has hit theaters, this honestly has me a bit baffled. I thought for sure those cute little monsters would bring audiences into the theaters in droves, but it only managed to do okay, taking in $4201.3 million so far in theaters.
And yet, Hollywood is still going at it, doing their best to find that healthy balance between a film being faithful to its source material and being a good movie. This includes the upcoming Gears of War movie. Speaking with IGN, The Coalition’s head Rod Fergusson said the following:
“In order for the movie to be successful, it has to be a great movie first and a Gears movie second. Basically the way that we sort of reconciled that was, we said, ‘oh the movie should be an alternate reality. It should not be dependent on the game story, nor should it influence the game story.’”
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As a result, the film, should it ever actually happen, will be set outside of the game canon. This allows the creatives to be more…creative, without having to worry about breaking the canon of the video games. In fact, this is the approach they take with all of the franchise media outside of the games.
“I’ve heard of other franchises who come with this really large story Bible and this really sort of, here are all the rules now go and deal with 700 pages of how you live in our world,” Fergusson said. “When we did it, we were two pages. I was like, ‘Here’s two pages of thou shall nots and recommendations.’ We want people to have the freedom to have new ideas and to take things differently.”
But if you’re worried about them ignoring the video game stuff altogether, fret not. It will still be set on Sera and will have certain characters — otherwise, why have it be a Gears of War movie at all?
Do you think this is the right approach? Honestly, I felt like going this route was a given, but I guess not these days. Let us know your own thoughts down below!
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