It seems like overnight George Miller has become a huge sensation. This is a man who’s been in the business for more years than I’ve been alive, but all the same, in the wake of his latest film, MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, everyone is realizingwhat a talent the man is in Hollywood. All of a sudden, that canceled JUSTICE LEAGUE: MORTAL film from back in 2007 is a huge deal.
Sure, we’re getting BATMAN v SUPERMAN this year, and a JUSTICE LEAGUE film late next year, but there’s something romantic and mysterious about a film that never was–especially when it could have been helmed by someone like George Miller.
We know that the world was a much different place back then. Comic book movies weren’t really a sure thing by that point, and the idea of throwing these different superheroes together seemed like a huge risk. Heck, even as late as 2012–the year THE AVENGERS came out–not many people thought it could be pulled off successfully. But this George Miller JUSTICE LEAGUE film seemed to have some real momentum behind it.
But what happened? While he was a guest on The Hollywood Reporter’s ongoing series THE HOLLYWOOD MASTERS, Miller talked a bit about JUSTICE LEAGUE, and what ultimately led to its demise.
“That was, oh, seven years ago, I think. And there was a really great script. And Warners said, ‘Let’s do it. Let’s do a Justice League.’ I really was attracted to it. But there was a writers strike looming. We had to cast it very quickly, which we did with Warner’s casting people. And we cast it really quickly and we mounted it very quickly. And it depended on a start date and it depended on some basic rebate legislation that had just got through a new Australian government. But it was just too big a decision for them to make in the time. And that fell through and the whole film fell through. We almost got there. And it wasn’t to be. But that happens a lot, where films line up and the stars look like they’re aligning and they didn’t.”
One really has to wonder what kind of world we would have lived in had that film become a reality. This film would not have utilized Christian Bale’s Batman, so how strange would it have been to have two iterations of Batman on the big screen: one from Nolan’s THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY, and one from this JUSTICE LEAGUE: MORTAL flick?
Would Marvel have followed through with their Cinematic Universe had the film come out and succeeded? We’ll never know.
What do you think of Miller’s comments or the JUSTICE LEAGUE that could have been? Let us know in the comments down below!