The wildly popular Ghost of Tsushima is getting a film adaptation, with Chad Stahelski will direct the film for Sony Pictures and Playstation Productions.Stahelski will also produce the film along with Asad Qizilbash and Alex Young.
Qizilbash had the following to say about the upcoming project.
“We’re excited to be partnering with Chad and 87Eleven Entertainment, to bring their vision of Jin’s story to the big screen. We love working with creative partners like Chad, who have a passion for our games, ensuring we can create rich adaptations that will excite our fans and new audiences.”
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I still haven’t played the game but fully intend to do so soon. The first trailer left gamers wowed 9myself included) by the game’s graphics. It also has a really good story behind it. Ghost of Tsushima follows Jin Sakai, who is the last of his clan. Sakai must defend Tsushima Island against the first invasion of the Mongols.
Hopefully, this film is able to avoid the video game adaptation problem. While few have done been successful, it is possible. With a large studio like Sony behind the film, it probably has a better chance than most.
It looks like the upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot will add to the list of well-executed video game movies. Finally redeeming the franchise after the adaptations of the 1990s put the franchise’s film future on a long, long hiatus.
What are your thoughts on this adaptation? Let us know in the comments down below!
Source: Deadline