While I was of the opinion that the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot was perfectly harmless (albeit not great), that’s admittedly coming from someone who doesn’t really worship the ground on which the original film walks. I watched it a lot as a kid, but as I grew older, it wasn’t something that really made that much of an impact on me — probably since I was more of a cartoon kid. Regardless, the reboot flopped — no arguments here — making it clear that the approach they took was not one most fans wanted.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that Sony would be reviving a franchise yet again, this time in a sequel that would hopefully better capture the spirit. With that in mind, the original director’s son Jason Reitman (Juno) is taking the helm. But what would the story actually be about and would the original leads actually be leads?
RELATED – Ghostbusters 3 Gets An Official Teaser (VIDEO)
We Got This Covered reported that the leads in the films were going to be two teens — or rather young kids, aged 12 and 13. The boy will be 13 and will be all about fantasy and conspiracy theories. The girl will be 12 and will be ridiculously smart, and she will cross paths with the boy and become friends. Also interesting is that she doesn’t really show much emotion and speaks with flat and dry delivery.
Not long after that, Birth.Movies.Death corroborated this report, or at least part of if — that the lead characters would be kids.
Then, THR‘s Borys Kit took to social media to say that the film will actually star four teens: two boys, two girls.
Regardless, all signs are pointing to one thing: we’re getting a film with kid leads. Is this good or bad? I guess you should be the judge.
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