In the immortal words of Duke: Knowing is half the battle. Boy, do I have some news for you folks. Indonesian action star Iko Uwais is currently in talks to suit up for a role in Snake Eyes. What role? Hard Master. This is great news because Uwais is like a swiss army blade of martial arts. Not only does he kick ass, but when he’s on set he trains other actors to kick ass too and look convincing doing so via extensive choreography. I hope you’ve seen at least one or two of his films now. Any fan of martial arts films is sure to have seen a few.
If you by any chance have been living under a rock or just have no interest in martial arts. Let’s say you’re just a very driven fan of GI Joe and Hasbro. That’s ok. Here’s a tip. Go watch The Raid now. Seen it huh? No worries. Go stream The Night Comes For Us and be prepared to have your martial-arts loving brain scrambled by the sheer amount of choreography on screen. Takashi Miike is not touching this level of ultra-violence. Nope, not even.
What I am trying to say to you is that this news that Iko Uwais may be joining the cast of this film is freaking glorious. He may not be playing Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow. He will portray the Hard Master. Yes, Snake Eyes’ teacher who imbued him with all those skills and ninja code mumbo jumbo.
But just knowing this freak of martial arts nature is on board makes me feel this production is shaping up to have maximum impact. Oh, and Uwais cleans plenty of clocks and shows shades of emotion in the 2016 movie Headshot. So know you know, and knowing is half the battle.
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SOURCE: TheHollywoodReporter