I’m going to be straight with you: I don’t watch Gotham. I don’t watch any network TV, really, so that’s not a knock on the show. I’m putting that out there because I don’t really have much of a background to offer you here. From what little I do know, the Fox series set in the Batman universe has spent a considerable amount of time teasing the arrival of The Joker. I’ve also gathered that they’ve made it so that there are various characters who could become the Clown Prince of Crime one day, since the series is a prequel of sorts.
One of the leading candidates for the eventual Joker on Gotham is the character known as Jerome, who’s played by Cameron Monaghan and was seemingly killed off in Season 2. Since his untimely demise, there have been teases that he’d be back, with nothing set in stone. Well, the actor took to Twitter and put the following image up…before deleting it a few hours later:
It doesn’t take much effort to see what Monaghan was going for here. So I can only assume that they’re furthering the theory that Jerome will one day return, possibly reborn as The Joker.
What do you think? Is Jerome the right character to transform into The Joker on Gotham?
SOURCE: Comic Book Movie