How Spider-Man: Homecoming Fits Into The Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

The chronology of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films as a whole has been pretty straightforward. By and large, they tend to take place one after another in the same order as they were release. Of course, there are some exceptions. Captain America: The First Avenger was obviously a period piece, taking place decades prior to the rest of the Avengers’ origin stories (though it picked up right before The Avengers and after Thor, which puts it cleanly where one would expect in the timeline).  

Other than that one, perhaps the only questionable film is Doctor Strange, which sometimes seems to take place around The Avengers, and sometimes feels like it starts off around the time of Captain America: Civil War, which brings into question how long everything took to happen in the film itself. That’s neither here nor there, but the point is that for the most part, the timeline has been easy enough to follow. Well, if this latest report is any indication, this may not be the case with Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Speaking with Screen Rant, Spider-Man: Homecoming producer Eric Carroll gave fans an idea of where the film falls on the timeline, and it doesn’t sound like it takes place this year.

“It will be a little off. There will be some awkward chronology in that the movie comes out almost two years after Civil War, but we’re playing it like it’s a few months after Civil War. It hasn’t been years since Tony called him back. It came down to one of things we wanted to do was keep him in high school as long as possible. Let’s have him do something fun and different. Sony came to ourselves when we sat down and we thought, ‘Why do this version?’ And it is because we can really do a high school. Show that this is a young hero. Otherwise you have seen it all before…

“This is a fun, different take. If we say that it was actually two years after Civil War then he’s moving on, he’s a senior, and when the next movie comes out, it’s his sophomore year of college, and we really wanted to do multiple movies where he’s in high school.”

That makes us wonder how they’ll be able to release a new Spider-Man film every couple years and still try and act like it’s in high school. Were it just this film, that’d be easy, but since Spider-Man exists in a whole world of heroes and villains, it’d be weird if the timeline would keep retreating back a couple years with every successive Spidey flick. 

That being said, Marvel Studios has already done a great job at overcoming the odds. They’ve set up this universe successfully, they’ve followed it up successfully, and they’ve brought in the likes of Spider-Man and the Guardians successfully. I’m not exactly in the business of doubting Marvel Studios these days, but it’s a valid concern nonetheless, and it makes me wonder if mainstream audiences will get confused if they continue forth with that approach, because as it stands, the soonest we’ll be getting a Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel is 2020, which is a solid three years away.

What do you think about how Spider-Man: Homecoming fits into the timeline? Let us know in the comments down below!

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters on July 7, 2017.

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SOURCE: Screen Rant

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