Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: No, The Post-Credits Scene Does Not Set Up Avengers: Infinity War

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for the post-credits scenes for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Audiences who had a chance to check out Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 this past weekend, were treated to FIVE post-credits sequences. A few of them — like the one with Drax getting shot by Kraglin’s arrow, the one with Teen Groot, and the one with Stan Lee and the Watchers — were little more than fun little jokes. One post-credits scene (featuring Stallone and the original lineup of the Guardians) seemed more like an Easter egg, but there are hints that it could be more than just a nod to the original comics.

However, there was one post-credits scene among the five that seemed to directly hint at future MCU films. This scene saw the golden Ayesha angry and broken following her failed attempts at taking down the Guardians of the Galaxy. What’s more, it looked like she’d be getting in trouble with the council for wasting their precious resources. However, she seems unbroken in her resolve, and sitting in front of her is a “birthing pod” that will bring about the destruction of the Guardians. She called the being “Adam.”

Comic book fans will see this as the long-awaited introduction of Adam Warlock, one of the many beings that make up the galactic side of Marvel. Infinity Gauntlet readers may also think this could hint at the characters’ arrival in Avengers: Infinity War. After all, in the comic, Adam Warlock and Doctor Strange are two of the more prominent figures in the story that help to bring the Avengers together to take on Thanos. So could this be what James Gunn is hinting at?

However, speaking with /Film, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige was perfectly willing to shatter our dreams:

“Adam is not in Infinity War. That is not a tag for Infinity War.

“In that case in particular, James has ideas. And had played with incarnations of Adam Warlock in earlier drafts of other Guardians films. So he’s always been top of mind for the Guardians franchise. And if he appears anywhere in the future, it’ll be with Guardians.”

While this is a minor disappointment, it’s not been the first time that Marvel Studios has changed things up for the big screen. Famously, the role of Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War was much different from its comic book counterpart, and this is further proof of just how different these worlds have ended up being.

But given that Adam Warlock has shown up in various drafts of Guardians scripts, it finally sounds like he’ll get his due in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which we already know James Gunn will be returning to direct. Will he be the villain of the piece? That remains to be seen. That being said, Ayesha doesn’t seem like she’ll be going down without a fight.

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