GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2: Vin Diesel Gushes About New Footage, James Gunn Plays Up Female Dynamic

Back when the first Guardians of the Galaxy film came out, it was pretty much proof that Marvel would be able to take virtually any of their properties and turn it into something fun and meaningful. The man behind the magic was filmmaker James Gunn, someone who previously made his mark in low budget films like Slither and Super.

Whereas not many people were expecting much out of the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, expectations for the sequel are at an all-time high. Can the film live up to such expectations? That remains to be seen, but if we take Vin Diesel’s word for it, we’re in for quite a treat.

Social media masters Diesel and Gunn took to Facebook to film Diesel’s reaction to some new footage, as well as talk a bit about the film.

Diesel started out the video looking completely awestruck by the footage he saw (not that we expected anything else from Diesel — the man’s gonna sell it). He rubbed his face and kept repeating the phrase “gimme a second…” and taking deep breaths. He then went on to tell viewers that that was the way they were going to react after seeing the same clip.

Diesel and Gunn then went on to discuss the film in detail, with Gunn giving fans extra tidbits of information, including the importance of the female characters of the movie.

While the first film was all kinds of fun, in the sequel, it looks like they’ll be paying extra close attention to female leads Gamora and Nebula:

“I really feel like we give the female characters a chance to shine in this movie. Because Zoe Saldana comes in and she is so wonderfully beautiful as her character. It’s touching. And Karen Gillan as Nebula comes in, and she’s her sister, and she’s completely a much deeper character than we got in the first movie, so we get to know her.”

When last we saw Nebula, she pulled a pilot from the cockpit of his jet, threw him off, and escaped from the carnage of battle. But she’s back, and while it would be easy to assume she’d merely be back to fill the villain role once more, it sounds like they’ll be covering her sister relationship with Gamora.

“That character, the sisterhood that you explore in this movie is something we haven’t seen in film. We definitely haven’t seen it in this level of film.”

Gunn then took that aspect and explained that their bond is something of an evolution of the first film’s main theme:

“The first movie was really about becoming a family. This movie is about being a family. And what’s harder, becoming a family or being a family? I think it’s being a family. That’s where you really have to deal with each other. And that’s what this movie is about. And they’re sisters. They are family, whether they like it or not. And they also want to kill each other, so it adds a new twist to being a sister.”

Those Marvel fans who were hoping for more female representation may have a lot to look forward to come next year.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theaters on May 5, 2017.

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SOURCE: Vin Diesel (via Screen Rant)

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