Boba Fett made his real comeback to the Star Wars Universe in The Mandalorian last Friday. The question is, has Boba Fett changed in The Mandalorian from the Bounty Hunter we last saw canonically in Return of the Jedi? Despite the fact Fett always gets put on the bad guy team on Chess boards and video games, I never once saw Fett as a villain. Antagonist, Fett was, villain he was not. I would classify Fett as a neutral character, you pay him for a job, whether on the Rebels or Empire, and he’d complete it.
When Friday’s episode ended, Fett could have easily walked away, and offered to give Din Djarin a lift somewhere. Instead Fett made it clear his debt was with Din until Grogu was back with him. It’s no guarantee, because we know so little about Fett, but perhaps this indicates some character growth? Actor Temuera Morrison was asked by NY Times whether this is a more seasoned version of Boba Fett?
“Yes. When we find Boba, he’s well-worn, and he’s been through a lot. He’s a survivor, and he’s weathered. Now it was time to find out more about what makes Boba tick, is he more than just a simple man, trying to make his way through the galaxy? Is he tired of all the fighting? Is he tired of all the killing?”
RELATED: Temura Morrison On If He Ever Thought He Would Return To Star Wars
“The one thing I can relate to is, I’m quite a mature man now and things always change. Sometimes you’re in Hollywood, in all the magazines and newspapers. And sometimes you end up in the fish and chip shop in New Zealand, where all the old magazines and papers go. You’re old news. [Laughs.]”
It’s possible that Morrison is unaware fully what is going through Fett’s head. This may just be a description of the process he went through as an actor to get into the right headspace. However, I’d like to think the experiences he has had have changed Fett. I’ve said before I am not looking for Fett to become a heroic character. However, I do think he could move from neutral to an anti-hero type character?
Has Boba Fett changed in The Mandalorian? Leave your thoughts below.