For years, we’ve heard that a Star Wars television show could be a thing. First it was from George Lucas himself, who had said he’d written a ton of scripts and that he wanted to produce the series independently before shopping it to networks. Then, at around the time that Disney purchased LucasFilm, chatter about the show came up again. After all, Disney is a monolith of a company with ties to many TV networks and a wealth of resources at its disposal. Why not think that the company, which already plans to mightily expand the cinematic output coming out of the Star Wars IP, might be considering a primetime TV series set in that galaxy far, far away?
The last time the idea came up, a Disney/LucasFilm rep revealed that Lucas’s old scripts for the TV series were actually being looked at to see if they could fit in with the new Star Wars canon, and that- surprisingly- his material hadn’t been outright abandoned like his outlines for Episodes VII, VIII, and IX were. But not much else has come out since then.
So where do we currently stand?
According to Ben Sherwood, who runs the ABC/Disney broadcast and entertainment networks, the show is still in the “Maybe one day” phase. Sherwood reveals that he’d love to bring a live-action Star Wars series to one of his networks but that, ultimately, it’s out of his hands.
Here’s what Sherwood told The Hollywood Reporter about the Star Wars series:
“The live-action Star Wars plan rests in the hands of [Walt Disney Studios chairman] Alan Horn, [Lucasfilm president] Kathy Kennedy and the great folks at Lucasfilm. Somewhere we hope in a galaxy not too far away there will be a television show that will air on one of our networks. But I wouldn’t get anybody’s hopes up too high. They have a lot of movies to make between now and then. We are deep into a very productive relationship with Lucasfilm making [Disney XD’s] Star Wars Rebels. And we are in ongoing conversations with them on what is the next Star Wars animated show.”
Speaking of them having “a lot of movies to make,” yesterday I wrote a piece outlining why LucasFilm’s next, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story could actually ending up way more important in the grand scheme of things than Star Wars: The Force Awakens was. You can check that feature out by CLICKING HERE.
So there’s the latest on a live-action Star Wars show. Looks like we’ll have to continue to wait for that plan to come together, assuming it ever does. The good news is that fans of animated series like Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels can look forward to there being another cartoon on the way.
Also, it’s worth noting that since J.J. Abrams and his Bad Robot production shingle love TV, and and that the Force Awakens director would likely jump at the chance to adapt the Star Wars world to the small screen. You may recall there was a story a while back that Abrams was mightily disappointed that the issue of TV rights for Star Trek had gone unresolved over at Paramount for so long because he had hoped to make a new Trek show along with his 2009 movie reboot. That ship has sailed, with CBS making a new Star Trek show without him. If LucasFilm were to ever pull the trigger on a Star Wars show, it’s not a stretch to think that Abrams and co. would be involved in some way.
Let’s let our imaginations run wild a bit. If there were to be a Star Wars show one day, what/where/when would you like it to take place? Discuss below!