DuckTales has been going strong ever since the return of the series back in 2017 but last week at San Diego Comic Con the trailer for the second season was released and wow. Not only are they escalating the tension in season 2 but they are bringing back the Disney Afternoon crew with Rescue Rangers, Goof Troop, along with Donald’s longtime companion Daisy. Glomgold is riling up the rouge gallery of Scrooge’s past with Magicka de Spell coming back to wreak havoc along with the new villains such as Lunaris which currently have Donald held captive. The mixture between nostalgia and forwarding the plot will help this show progress towards being a great cartoon in its own right aside from being forever tied to the original DuckTales.
This is starting to become the most ambitious cartoon crossover in the history of animation if they continue to bring Gargoyles and Bonkers into the fold. While people were upset over the new show Chip ‘n’ Dale not being any reference to the Rescue Rangers and acting more like an alternative Chipmunks cartoon the duo will show up in DuckTales sporting their iconic getup. It hasn’t been stated how they will show up but it is more than likely they will assist Scrooge as he will have his hands full fighting off the villains sent to him by Glomgold. The introduction of Daisy and Goofy add another interesting element to the show that add a whole bunch of new possibilities from where DuckTales can move going forward. It would be hard to imagine Donald not getting back to Earth before the Daisy shows up due to the iconic pairing but in the trailer there was an x over his picture with alien script leading me to believe Donald will have a fake death at some point during the season. The introduction of Goofy adds the possibility of the Goof Troop as dogfaces have been previously spotted in the series. Does this leave room open for the mascot mouse character himself at this point it almost feels wrong if he doesn’t appear.
Let us know your thoughts. Are you excited for DuckTales to drop a nostalgia bomb?
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