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Hot Rumor: Which Bombshell Actress Might Be Locking Lips With Margot Robbie In GOTHAM CITY SIRENS?

Well, that didn’t take long…

It was only yesterday that it was announced that David Ayer would be re-teaming with DC and Margot Robbie to direct Gotham City Sirens. The film will center on iconic DC femme fatales Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy. And now, a mere 24 hours later, we’ve already got our first casting rumor for the project.

According to Bleeding Cool Megan Fox, the stunning beauty from Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, may very well be prepping to play Poison Ivy. 

The site claims to have inside knowledge on the matter, and has had a look at some of the interesting materials she’s been having sent to her Warner Bros address: Poison Ivy Comic Books!

Fox is an avowed comic book fanatic, who’s already appeared in films based on properties like Jonah Hex and the aforementioned Turtles, and she even once pledged to doing a Fathom movie because she was very close with creator Michael Turner and loved the books. 

It’s an awfully big coincidence that Gotham City Sirens was just green-lit and now she’s getting the kinds of archival Poison Ivy books that actors tend to get when they’ve been cast in a comic book film. The books she’s been getting, by the way, are ones that focus on Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn working together.

In some of the more recent developments in their comic book relationship, Ivy and Harley are a little more than friends, which will give Robbie and Fox an interesting dynamic to explore on the big screen.

What would you think of Megan Fox being cast as Poison Ivy in Ayer’s Gotham City Sirens?

SOURCE: Bleeding Cool

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