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Hulk’s Post She-Hulk Future Rumors | Barside Buzz

She-Hulk Is A Mess Rumor Resurfaces From A New Source | Barside Buzz

Today we are sharing Hulk’s post She-Hulk future, ‘potentially’. Normally I would not spoiler tag these rumors because this game is a hit and miss for all insiders. However, this particular rumor now seems to have backup in the form of the same info coming from three separate sources. Usually that means something is pretty airtight, and this concerns what happens to Hulk at the end of She-Hulk, so…..

Potential She-Hulk SPOILERS Below!

Jameela Jamil And Mark Ruffalo In She-Hulk BTS Images

I’m gonna start by saying I still worry greatly for what I think She-Hulk is going to be for the MCU. However I really should be more positive as Feige rarely makes a bad call for the MCU. It’s all that talk of breaking the fourth wall and being a half-hour legal comedy that’s thrown me for six. However, I am a massive Hulk fan, and I’ve been saying for years we need to see more of him, and that he has been underused compared to his fellow OG Avengers.

You’re probably aware that there were rumors that a World War Hulk movie was being prepped and and set to happen sometime next year. This latest rumor which as I said, has now been backed up twice since inception. Originally the mods on r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers, and that leak is a bit more extensive so click at your own peril folks.

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The point we are discussing today is that Hulk’s son Skaar will appear at the end of the She-Hulk. Also that Hulk will leave Earth in a spaceship with him or to go after him, that part is unclear. However more likely given the most recent back up of this, they leave together.

First off let’s see what MTTTSH had to say.

Then we have KC Walsh of The GWW saying essentially the same thing as the earlier mod posted leak on Reddit.

So there you have it. Three separate sources now all saying Hulk leaves Earth, and two saying with his son Skaar. Hulk’s post She-Hulk future. or at least the immediate future appears to be off-planet. Is this where the World War Hulk film will come in. Could Hulk be coming to unleash his rage on a different world than Earth? Sound off below as always.

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