I Want You Back | Clark Backo And Scott Eastwood On How Break Ups Can Be Healthy [Exclusive]

I Want You Back

We are just a couple of hours away from the release of Prime Video‘s Romantic Comedy, I Want You Back. The story is about two people that just got dumped. Unfortunately, they find each other and decided their best course of action is to attempt to get back with their former partners. To complicate things, both of their former lovers are now currently in relationships, so their first task is going to be to try and break them up in secret.

One thing that is interesting about I Want You Back is the conversation about the positive side of a breakup. Yes at the time they happen they can sting quite a bit and make you feel like your life might be over. But what it can offer is a healthy break from having to depend on someone or the opposite, take care of someone, and focus on yourself. In that time you might find out that you are a different person or even a better person than the one in the relationship. Leading you to maybe a happier and more balanced relationship in the future.


With the release of I Want You Back on Prime Video tomorrow, LRM Online‘s Emmanuel Gomez spoke with Clark Backo and Scott Eastwood. They are two of the actors that are featured in the film. Noah is the one that breaks Emma’s, played by Jenny Slate, in the beginning, and Ginny is his new love. In our conversation, they tells us their opinions on the good that can come out of a breakup. As well as how dangerous and toxic it can be to see your former partner on social media. Then how that is just an assumption on reality. It was a great conversation that you can check out down below!

Here is the full synopsis for Prime Video’s I Want You Back:

Peter (Charlie Day) and Emma (Jenny Slate) are total strangers. But when they meet, one thing instantly bonds them: they were both unexpectedly dumped by their respective partners. Ann (Gina Rodriguez) and Noah (Scott Eastwood), on the same weekend. As the saying goes, ‘misery loves company.’ But their commiseration turns into a mission when they see on social media that their exes have happily moved on to new romances. Anne with Logan (Manny Jacinto) and Noah with Ginny (Clark Backo).

Terrified that, in their 30s, they have lost their shot at happily ever after and horrified at the prospect of having to start over. Peter and Emma hatch a desperate plot to win the loves of their lives back. Each will do whatever it takes to put an end to their exes’ new relationships and send them running back to their arms.

I Want You Back

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