Is Quicksilver In WandaVision? Showrunner Evades Question

Is Quicksilver in WandaVision? Here is what we know so far. Pietro’s name came up in WandaVision episode 3, and caused Wanda to….react to the name. There are also solid rumors which indicate Evan Peters is in WandaVision. Peters played the character in the X-Men Universe of course. As for original Pietro, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, there is no word to suggest the actor would return to the role. So what gives?

As you’d imagine, when asked, WandaVision showrunner Jac Schaeffer was particularly evasive. Well, what did you expect? ‘ Jac Schaeffer said, ‘To hell with it, yes, he’s in it, they’re in it, everybody’s in it’. Of course Schaeffer did not answer the question directly when it was posed by ET. They had to ask, and so would I. However,  knowing they would not get an answer, ET worded the question to be more about what role the memory of Pietro plays going forward, though Schaeffer remained on high evasion mode.

“It’s so hard to answer these questions. They’re very good questions. But again, it’s about Wanda’s internal life and what her experience is and what her feelings are. That’s what we’re going to explore.”

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Previously Schaeffer had talked a little more about why that moment was chosen to introduce Pietro’s name.

“So, my approach with Wanda was to look at the entirety of the woman, right? All of herself and all of her experiences and all of her trauma, and losing Pietro is a big part of that and having been a twin is a big part of that. As far as the placement of it, that was a lot of the work in the writers’ room, was when do we have these moments? When do we reveal things? When do we delve into authenticity? Because the sitcom stuff, there’s the patina of the happy, false environment and the happy, false self a little bit, so it made sense to me in that moment for her to have some emotional honesty.”

The moment was the first time so far in WandaVision that we have seen Wanda truly break character. Vision has teetered a few times though, which is actually more intriguing given his current status as deceased, expired, bought the farm, you get it. There is no doubt WandaVision is an intriguing show, but will things advance enough this week to really hook us in to what this story is really about? I hope so.

What do you think, is Quicksilver in WandaVision? If so, which one, Taylor-Johnson, Peters, or both? Leave any thoughts below as always.


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