With Game of Thrones Season 7 now wrapped, there’s a gaping hole in all fans’ hearts — and that’s a hole that won’t get filled for another year-plus, depending on when HBO ultimately decides to air the final season. But of course, once that final season ends, that’ll be it. HBO has been hard at work at finding a suitable replacement. Some would argue that Westworld is already poised to fill that void, but they’re currently working on four potential spinoffs that can do so in a more official capacity.
Fans have speculated as to the types of shows those spinoffs could entail. Could they follow Robert’s Rebellion (probably not, given how much it’s being delved into), could it follow another generation of Targaryens? Most ideas seem to revolve around delving more into the history of Westeros as a kingdom in some way or another, which makes sense, given how rich it all is.
However, one group of fans are taking a much different approach. In the trailer above, entitled Westeros, we see a very different Game of Thrones going on in a more modern-looking Westeros. Yes, the kingdom is the same, but everything is a bit more familiar. But instead, cars drive along the Wall like it’s no big thing, the Iron Throne is in a museum, and the names of iconic figures in the series now pop up as historical figures or street names — though it looks like the Lannisters are still in the political game.
It’s a fun and unique approach, and we’ll be interested to see if this is meant to be just some one-off trailer or an actual webseries. Based on the fact that the entire YouTube channel is named after the series, we can only imagine that there will be more to come, should HBO not bat this one down soon.
It may not be what we’re looking for in terms of actual spinoffs for HBO, but it certainly is a lot of fun.
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SOURCE: Westeros The Series