If you haven’t seen Marvel’s Runaways, this article does contain minor spoilers.
It is that age-old, well 6-year-old, question of what is and isn’t connected to the MCU. We know that there has been thin connective tissue in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., usually in name drops and some fall out from the Dark Elves in Thor: The Dark World and the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Marvel Netflix shows are also loosely connected by making references to The Avengers and The Incredible Hulk. For the most part though, the MCU trucks along with little to no regard for the small screen.
This held true through the entire first season of Runaways. I watched the show from beginning to end over four days and really enjoyed it, despite some very slow progression. This show brought to light teenage angst and rebellion in a perfect light, The teens of the show share a link from childhood which was ruined by the death of the character Nico’s sister. They come back together at the behest of Alex Wilder, whose parents are the apparent leaders of the murderous cult of adults.
We meet all of our cast after they have established a new status quo and are as separated as Kevin Bacon from the Guardians of the Galaxy. They learn of their parents’ involvement in the aforementioned cult, meant to feed life energy to a jerk so they may all continue a life of luxury and importance. The end of the first season sees these teenage warriors on the run as one parent calls the cops and blames the kids for a murder the parents committed. Hence… wait for it… Runaways!
RELATED: Marvel’s Runaways: Here’s What Happens When Parents Go Bad
So what does the next season, coming out on December 21, 2018, bring to the table? A connection to the MCU at the end of the season! Samantha Savage, one of the showrunners, specifically mentioned a connection “late in the season.”
Look, Runaways is a fun show that brings teenage angst to the forefront, but it is not Netflix’s Daredevil. It is self-contained, and that is fine! Does it need to be in the MCU? No. Does mentioning Roxxon, Tony Stark, and Danny Rand in a scene need to happen? No. Runaways serves a purpose… and that is to tell the story of a bunch of kids versus their evil parents.
One good thing to come this season, for fans of the comic book of the same name, will be characters and references including the famous hostel.
What did you think of Season 1? What are your hopes for Season 2? Let us know in the comments below!
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SOURCE: Comicbook