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Trailer: Danny Has His Hands Full In First Full Trailer For Iron Fist Season 2

Iron Fist Season 2 does look better than Season 1 from this trailer. However, trailers can be deceiving, and whilst it looks like a series chock full of Kung-Fu duels, the trailer doesn’t give me a feel for how well these fights will be constructed.

RELATED: Iron Fist: Season 2 Teaser Trailer Hints At More Action

Season 2 of Iron Fist will hit Netflix on September 7 and whilst there will be a host of returning regulars, there are also plenty of new additions including new villain Typhoid Mary (Alice Eve). What I had not picked up from the other teases so far was how heavily Season 2 seems to feature Danny’s old ally/enemy Davos. It appears apparent that for reasons unknown Danny loses the Iron Fist to Davos, who doesn’t appear to have any good intentions for its use.

Again, trailers can deceive, sometimes purposefully steering away from the actual plot of the show or movie they represent. This trailer certainly seems to paint Davos as the main antagonist in this season with Typhoid Mary playing a more secondary role. Whether this turns out to be exactly how the show plays out in long format is anyone’s guess right now?

With a new showrunner in Raven Metzer and a new fight choreographer in Clayton Barber (Black Panther), I sincerely hope this season kicks things up a notch, because frankly season 1 of Iron Fist was a bit, well, crap. I made it through Iron Fist a little easier than I did Jessica Jones‘ second season, but that’s hardly a flattering measuring stick.

What do you think of the first full trailer? Enough to get you streaming on September 7, or do you feel like waiting for some reviews before committing? sound off below in the usual place.

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