According to some new leaked LEGO Sets, it seems Jacen Syndulla gets a new look for Ahsoka. When we last saw Jacen at the end of Rebels, he was young kid. However his look, which attempted to cross his parents species, through hair color was a bit, well, weird looking. Check that out in the header image above.
However, if the LEGO Sets in this YouTube Video leak are anything to go by, Jacen’s new look is much more Kanan than Hera.
That’s Jacen Syndulla in the middle between Hera and some New Republic officer. As you can see, Jacen appears to have brown hair more like that of his father, and frankly it looks better to me. There was always going to have to be a choice of whether t give him head tails or not, and I guess because Filoni chose not to, he wanted something that said Hera in Jacen’s design. However, green hair was a strange choice and it simply didn’t work.
Jacen could be important going forward in this MandoVerse as remember his father was a Jedi. Therefore, it’s possible those Force abilities were passed from father to son, as they usually are.
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I know my colleague Kyle Malone hates the fact they called the kid Jacen, because it feels like they copied it from one of Han’s kids names in the EU. However, with all the Heir to the Empire connections already in Ahsoka, it could be the Jacen name was chosen more specifically to indicate he has a part to play in events later?
Either way, right now I’m saying that the Lego version looks better than the animated one. Let’s hope the live-action design trumps both of them shall we? So far I’ve heard no child actors connected with Ahsoka, so unless I’ve missed something we don’t know who is playing Jacen yet. I guess we don’t know for sure he’s in it, but since Hera is a single mum and he’s still a kid, I’d bet he is. The LEGO model is noticeably smaller than Hera which would have me thinking this boy is around 10 years old during the Ahsoka series, perhaps a little less.
What do you think of the leaked LEGO sets, do you agree it’s looking like Jacen Syndulla gets a new look for Ahsoka? Thoughts below as always.