If you’ve had a chance to check out the trailer for the upcoming film, The Disaster Artist, you know that director/star James Franco does an amazing impression of Tommy Wiseau, the enigmatic writer/director/producer behind the trainwreck of a film that is The Room.
But as great as his impression is, can you imagine having to take direction from Franco AS Tommy Wiseau? Apparently, that’s exactly what happened with The Disaster Artist. In a recent Q&A session, Franco revealed that he directed the film in character.
“When else am I ever going to direct a movie and play the movie where the lead is directing a movie and playing the lead? Never! I’m probably never going to do that again. I’ll just tell you, sometimes it works to do the Daniel Day-Lewis.
And then Seth [Rogen] showed up [one] day, and he hadn’t seen me or been around pre-production for a while, and he couldn’t handle it. The whole day, he could not handle it. That was how everybody was when they showed up. Like, ‘What?!’ Seth’s grandma hated it. Lauren, Seth’s wife, hated it. She’s the sweetest person in the world, but I was dead to her.”
Interestingly enough, Franco seems to think that the approach he took was the most natural of approaches to take for directing the film, considering his makeup.
“I had that prosthetic on. It’d probably be weirder if I came up to you with all of that on and was like, [adopts purposefully normal voice] ‘So, Dave, I was thinking about for this scene…’ It’s just easier to just talk like [Tommy].”
Would you be able to take direction from James Franco as Tommy Wiseau? Let us know down below!
The Disaster Artist hits theaters on December 1, 2017.
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