A nice Hollywood story for once as The Suicide Squad director James Gunn gives his blessing to a Suicide Squad Ayer Cut. David Ayer directed Suicide Squad for WB, and frankly the movie was a disaster. However, if reports are to be believed, the majority of Suicide Squad‘s problems came from studio interference. Apparently Ayer’s version of the movie was torn to shreds to create the version we saw in theaters.
Suicide Squad as said above, was not a good movie, but DC fans were buoyed by the Snyder Cut victory. Now fans are campaigning to allow David Ayer the same opportunity, to create an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad. Ayer has confirmed to this movement that an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad does exist. So could WB be convinced to give this the HBO Max treatment as well? One person who seems keen to see the Ayer Cut is James Gunn. What is slightly weird, is the fact that James Gunn is currently directing The Suicide Squad for WB.
Gunn was hired during his gardening leave from Marvel to direct The Suicide Squad. It’s hard to say whether Gunn’s movie is a reboot or some sort of sequel to Ayer’s film? However, Gunn seems happy enough to see Ayer’s version given the light of day. Check out this very nice and respectful exchange on social media from Gunn and Ayer.
James, I really appreciate that, however this crazy ride unfolds. You’re good people and no lie – I can’t wait to see your take on these characters – you’re a master filmmaker 🙏🏻 https://t.co/1mwaHkKqpu
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) May 27, 2020
RELATED: David Ayer Says His Cut Of Suicide Squad Would Be ‘Easy To Make’
Just like I said with the Justice League Snyder Cut, I don’t see a downside to an HBO Max Ayer Cut. The movie universe is moving on in another direction, so whatever happens here, doesn’t affect Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. Again, this seems like a good marketing tool for HBO Max, as the only place to see these special versions. If these new cuts are popular, it probably won’t affect WB’s plans for the DCEU, but it might help spread some good word of mouth about the franchise? I’m going to guess that the Ayer Cut is in a more completed state than Justice League was when Snyder left. My opinion is based on the rumors around the editing process of that Suicide Squad film. So maybe it would not take as much money to bring an Ayer Cut to life?
Here’s the thing, I am not sure just how good this version of Suicide Squad will be. I genuinely struggled to finish that movie, when I watched it the one and only time. I struggle to see how a different cut would suddenly fix the numerous issues I had with Suicide Squad. However, if it sells subscriptions, and it gets fans talking positively about DC movies, why not? What would it cost to get this Ayer Cut off the ground, and are HBO Max willing to pony up the money required? That I think is the only remaining question in this discussion.
What do you think of this Suicide Squad Ayer Cut movement? Leave your thoughts below in the usual spot.
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SOURCE: James Gunn, David Ayer (via Twitter)