What’s next for James Gunn and the Guardians of the Galaxy? It is possible that the franchise could be heading back to its original roots, The Ravagers. They were the Guardians of the Galaxy back before Peter Quill and his crew took over. Fans actually got to see them in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. The Ravagers shown in the film were Stakar Ogord, Aleta Ogord (who eventually meld together into the being known as Starhawk), Martinex, Charlie 27, and Mainframe, who MIley Cyrus lent her voice to. In speaking with Collider, James Gunn spoke of a potential, for lack of a better word, spinoff of the franchise.
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When asked about a Ravagers movie, Gunn said that there is, “Always a discussion.” And when pressed on the likelihood of that discussion moving forward, Gunn said it is, “Always a possibility.” Since the Ravagers lineup was featured in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and were portrayed by some pretty familiar names, including Sylvester Stallone, Michelle Yeoh, Ving Rhames, Michael Rosenbaum and Miley Cyrus, it makes sense that Gunn and Marvel are planning something for them in the future, I don’t see why they would use well-known actors without having future plans for them. How far the project has been discussed is information we are not privy to, and Gunn was not very forthcoming in his answers.
Yondu Udonta was himself a Ravager, but was ousted from the syndicate when it was learned he was trafficking the many children of Ego The Living Planet and delivering them back to him. Yondu refused to give up Peter Quill after he learned that Ego was killing all of the children Yondu brought to him. As I said in a piece earlier today, Guardians of The Galaxy is my favorite Marvel Franchise, I like to think of them as more of a sci-fi crew than comic book heroes and I would love to James Gunn expand on the world that he has built.
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Source: Collider