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Joaquin Phoenix Is Frightened By The Role Of The Joker

With Joaquin Phoenix officially signing on the play the Joker, it won’t be long before we have a new take on the character. The role has been known to take its toll on actors, as we fans have all seen. Phoenix recently spoke with Collider and talked about his feelings on the role. The actor seems to understand not to take the role lightly.

“I take a lot of time and consideration when making decisions and what I’m gonna work on always. So, in some ways, the process, which is obviously reading a script and meeting a filmmaker and then continuing to have meetings and discussions with Todd [Phillips]. I think he’s very impressive and he seems to have a very interesting understanding of this world and what he’s trying to say. And so there is something very appealing about that and working with him on this particular project. It feels unique, it is its own world in some ways, and maybe, mostly, it scares the f*****g s**t out of me or something. It might as well be the thing that scares you the most.”

RELATED: Standalone Joker Movie Starring Joaquin Phoenix Is A Go

I am ready for a new interpretation of the Joker, as I am not a huge fan of Leto’s Joker. I’ve said before it wasn’t so much Leto’s performance that turned me away so much as the character’s apperance. As he showed us a while back with his desire to become a rapper, Phoenix does seem to hae the ecentricity needed to deliver fans a worthy version of the Joker.

What’s your opinion on Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Collider

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