Around this time next year, the Joker will be wreaking havoc around Gotham City in Joker, the brand-new film from The Hangover director Todd Phillips. Taking on the role of the Clown Prince of Crime himself is none other than esteemed actor Joaquin Phoenix. This film will take place outside of the established DC Extended Universe and will kick off a new, darker brand for the DC films.
Despite the fact that the movie is still a solid year from its release, we’ve seen a whole lot of this movie already, including the look of Phoenix’s Joker and several moments of whatever dastardly plan he has in the works, including one that involves a mass of people on the subway and the Joker himself pulling off a clown mask to reveal…a clown face. It was a moment that felt very reminiscent of what we saw from Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight, and in the latest batch of set photos from The Daily Mail, it looks like we’ll be having another slight case of deja vu.
Click HERE to check out the photos.
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In one set photo in particular, we see Phoenix’s Joker laughing in the back of a police car as it pulls away. But where does this scene come? Is it another instance of him intentionally getting himself captured so he can carry out another phase of his plan, or could this be near the end of the film, where he’s been locked away for a while? Sadly, we won’t really know the answer to that.
Other photos include a stunt double wearing similar Joker makeup, but it looks like this character is a female (though I could be wrong). Could we be getting a Harley Quinn-type in this movie or is this just an instance where a female stunt double was good enough in terms of body type?
One final eerie photo shows a man in a clown mask wielding a metal bat. Wouldn’t want to come across that guy on an abandoned highway.
What do you think of these photos? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Daily Mail