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Josha Stradowski Will Play More Than Just Rand In Wheel Of Time Season 3 | Barside Buzz SPOILERS

According to the latest Barside Buzz, lead star Josha Stradowski will play more than just Rand in The Wheel of Time Season 3 - SPOILERS!

According to the latest Barside Buzz, lead star Josha Stradowski will play more than just Rand in The Wheel of Time Season 3 – SPOILERS! This is of course a rumor, but from a very good source. Therefore, I should warn you against some SPOILERS for Season 3 of The Wheel of Time. If you are looking to know nothing about the show before it airs, better skip this one. If you have read the books already, or just don’t care about SPOILERS then read on.

Season 3 SPOILERS Below

Still with me? According the folks over at WoT Up!, Rand will take his trip through the glass columns when he gets to Rhuidean in Season 3. Book readers know this is one of the most pivotal scenes in the fourth book in the series The Shadow Rising. I won’t spoil all the details of what Rand sees exactly. However, the site has found out that Rand will see his own ancestors as he does in the books. Interestingly they have also found out that Josha Stradowski will actually play his own ancestors with the use of prosthetics.

This is certainly one of the episodes I am most looking forward to in Season 3. There are some interesting surprises to be had when we see the past. Both how the Aiel got to where they are now, and where they came from initially, but also Rand’s own lineage within that.

RELATED: Wheel Of Time Season 3: Three New Cast Members Revealed In Unknown Roles

This is an interesting idea by using Stradowski. I thought at first when I saw the headline that Rand would ‘see himself’ when he was all his ancestors. That would have been one easy way to pull it off. I guess we will wait and see if the prosthetic’s angle works or not?

Again, I won’t spoil exactly what Rand see’s or how the Aiel became what they are now. However, I do hope they really give this almost a full episode so we get to spend time in each step back Rand takes. We should however finish off with Rand coming out at the end and speaking to the Aiel.

What do you think of this spoiler that Josha Stradowski will play more than just Rand in The Wheel of Time Season 3? Thoughts below if you have them.

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