Kevin Feige On Guardians 3 And James Gunn Making Suicide Squad 2

Prior to last year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe seemed to be in full swing. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was set to begin production in the early part of the year, paving the way for its continued success well past Avengers: Endgame. But, sadly, it was not meant to be — at least not in the form we had expected. Writer-director James Gunn was let go from his duties on the threequel following the resurfacing of some tasteless tweets from years back, and the rest is history.

Plenty of rumors circulated in the months that followed. A whole metric ton of them, with some hinting at there being no third film at all, and that their fates in Avengers: Endgame would be altered, but any official word eluded us. Now, speaking with MTV News, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige gave us at least one update regarding the film:

Guardians will happen. When, where, how? For a later time.”

This isn’t exactly a huge surprise. Over its two-film arc thus far, it has proven to be quite the reliable boon for the studio, so there’s no way they’d be eliminating it altogether. But this is the first time I recall them actually acknowledging they had actual plans to move forward. We’ve had rumors surrounding potential directors to carry things forward, but nothing set in stone as of yet, so this is a nice revelation.

RELATED – Suicide Squad 2: Could James Gunn’s Arrival Mean Jared Leto’s Departure?

Of course, just because the whole Tweetgate scandal marked the end of James Gunn’s relationship with Disney doesn’t mean he was done with filmmaking altogether. Not too long ago, it was revealed Gunn had defected to DC and would be helming Suicide Squad 2 for Warner Bros. Regarding this, Feige had the following to say:

“I went to see Aquaman last night and I really, really enjoyed it. I don’t see a rivalry, I see cool things being made. One thing you know about James Gunn, he makes cool things.”

Well, there’s no denying a couple of those points there. DC does make cool things and so does James Gunn (though I’m sure plenty of fans would have things to say about there being no competition between the two comic brands).

Are you happy to see Marvel Studios moving forward to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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