When it was first rumored that Kurt Russell was in talks to join the Marvel space opera Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, movie and comic book buffs knew the role had to be big. You don’t hire Kurt Russell without the role being a big one. Additionally, many fans were absolutely stuck on the idea of Russell actually playing Peter Quill’s father, which was bolstered by the fact that writer/director James Gunn had stated that Quill’s father would indeed play a big role in the film.

It’s months and months later, and both rumors turned out to be completely true — though not many realized that Quill’s father would actually be Ego the Living Planet, but no one could’ve guessed that. 

With a talent like Russell behind it, one has to expect that they only locked him down after pitching a truly good story, and from the sound of it, a solid human story is exactly what we’ll be getting.

During the Toronto International Film Festival, Collider had a chance to catch up with the legendary actor and get his two cents on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Obviously, Russell didn’t trash it, but the things he said did inspire some extra faith.

“So I was really impressed that all of the people on the set were so excited because they felt this was so much stronger than the first one, that they really knew what they were doing and the story itself was strong. That pervaded the set. James and everybody else felt like ‘We got our sea legs on the first one, now we can really go.’”

Given that Guardians is a story set in space, it makes sense that it’d be grand in scale. Despite this fact, Gunn was careful to make sure that the stakes in the first film were intensely personal, and Russell went on to say that that hasn’t changed in this sequel:

“I was impressed with the stuff that I saw at Comic-Con, but they didn’t show you everything [laughs]. It’s a very complex story, and they really get into it. This is going to be one of the more—probably for Marvel, it’s more connected to human issues, family issues, parental issues, and issues that sons and daughters have with their moms and dads and their family tree, where they come from. I just think it’s going to be an interesting— Peter’s character in this one, he’s got dilemmas and he’s got decisions to make that are not just about whether to save that thing or that person. This is about finding out who you are, where you come from, and where you’re going.”

That certainly sounds like a natural continuation of the core emotional story we saw in the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Let’s just hope the execution is just as solid in the second go around!

What do you think of Russell’s comments? Do they make you even more confident in the film? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Collider

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