According to the latest Barside Buzz, the Damon Lindelof Star Wars script featured an older recast Rey who was not the lead of the movie. That’s what the claim is from insider Jeff Sneider on the most recent The Hot Mic Podcast. Sneider I should point out has been proved to be in the know on this movie. We know this because it was Sneider who first revealed Lindelof was scripting a movie long before the trades got on board.
Of course, whilst that movie is now public, it is no longer being scripted by Lindelof. As we know Lindelof was let go from writing duties and Stephen Knight was brought in to take over. Way back before all this, Sneider said the movie was to be led by one male and one female POC actors. Sneider now claims that Lucasfilm wanted Helen Mirren to play an older Rey. It would have been 60 years later when Rey was rebuilding the Jedi Order. These two leads of the movie would be her students/protege’s. Sneider says the decision to bring back Daisy Ridley and reduce the gap to 15 years was only made weeks before Celebration. Kathleen Kennedy ultimately made the decision to not recast Daisy Ridley, setting the movie closer to Rise of Skywalker.
It seems likely that Knight’s job is to take the basics of Lindelof’s story and re-craft it with Rey as the lead. I should also point out that Sneider heard Lindelof’s script was not good enough to film.
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As for John Boyega rumors, the guys have not heard anything new. Sneider says Boyega was not involved in Lindelof’s script, and nothing more is said. However with the time jumping back a little, Finn could well be involved. Of course that may depend on what Boyega himself thinks and whether he cares to come back or not? Given that Rey needs to train up some more Jedi, it would make sense for Force sensitive Finn to return. Whether that’s as a student or already trained Jedi Knight who can say. However, the story can also work without Finn if Boyega decides he’s had enough of the GFFA. Though, I am firmly in speculation territory here, so we will need to wait and see. I’d be up for seeing Finn return as long as Boyega is given more to do than shout Rey a lot and run after her.
I’m inclined to believe Sneider on this one as he’s been consistently ahead of the game on this script. One thing he and co-host John Rocha did point out was this. Why move ahead with Lindelof’s pitch of an older Rey and then decide to go ahead but hire a new writer to make Rey younger, and the lead? Why was the decision made that Daisy and a younger Rey had to come back instead? We may never know sadly. Whether it was the correct call or not will depend how good the movie is.
What do you think then of latest Barside Buzz that the Damon Lindelof Star Wars script featured an older recast Rey who was not the lead of the movie? As always, leave any thoughts below.