The Loki Season 2 runtimes have been revealed for the first four episodes, plus a note to watch for a post credit scene in Episode 1. Loki Season 2 premieres later today, October 5th, though It’ll already be the 6th by the time I get access in the U.K. According to a very reliable source for this kind of information, here is the breakdown of the runtimes for the first four episodes.
A few ppl Dm'd me about this but I didn't think it'd be necessary to share this time around.
These are not with INT creds ofcourse.
EP 1: 45:15 – 39:00 (PCS)
EP 2: 49:18 – 44:28
EP 3: 53:30 – 48:40
EP 4: 48:11 – 45:36#LokiSeason2— Cryptic HD QUALITY (@Cryptic4KQual) October 4, 2023
As you can see, and was later clarified by the source, episode 1 also has a post credit scene. The figure you want to pay most attention to on these kind of leaks is the lowest number. That’s how long the show is without any credits. Credits differ domestically to internationally and can therefore extend the time even more outside the US.
RELATED: Social Media Reactions For Loki Season 2 – What Do The Critics Think?
At this point with shows the runtimes are very rarely a cause of much debate and speculation. For some, longer means better and shorter means worse. However, frankly that is simply not a true statement. Quality of a show is as subjective as any other opinion on TV shows. What we can see is that this is slightly above average for a Marvel TV show. Not the first episode perhaps, but the other three I would say are average or above so far.
Above you’ll see a link to social media reaction for those who have seen the first four episodes (media outlets). One of the opinions I included was LRM‘s own Gig Patta who have his two cents on those first four episodes. I myself will be catching it weekly with you readers.
I probably won’t do episode reviews for this show as I’ve felt that wasn’t needed in previous Marvel series. Therefore, I think I’ll stick to a seasonal review once the finale hits. This is a practice I will probably also follow for Star Wars shows going forward (outside of Andor) because they really do need to be viewed as a whole. And yes, that’s because I think the quality hasn’t been very good on most of these Marvel and Star Wars shows. Especially when it comes to pulling off endings. Expect episodic reviews for the real drama still though.
What do you think of this as the Loki Season 2 runtimes are revealed for the first four episodes? Let us know what you think below and be sure to watch for that post credit scene in Episode 1.