The current high profile cases of sexual harassment that have come to light seem to have many other victims gather their courage and come forward with their experiences. So is the case with Eddie Berganza, a high-ranking editor at DC Comics who was fired Monday after a report published by BuzzFeed News detailed years of sexual harassment claims against him.
DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson stated this to employees via e-mail on Saturday, “DC prides itself on being a premier destination for top talent as well as an amazing creatively collaborative place to work that is a safe and secure environment for our employees and extended freelance family”.
Berganza has worked at DC Comics for 25 years and worked on such DC titles like Superman, Supergirl and Wonder Woman. He had currently been working on Dark Nights: Metal, DC’s biggest event of 2017.
What makes this case very interesting is that Berganza seemed to be a repeat offender that may have been ignored by DC. The two women who came forward for the BuzzFeed story claim that Berganza forcibly kissed them (or attempted to) in the early 2000’s. Several employees for DC had complained to their Human Resources department in 2010, when he was up for a promotion for executive editor. In spite of all these claims DC still gave Berganza the promotion, but was soon demoted to group editor in 2012 after an incident at WonderCon 2012 in Anaheim, California.
Even when this detailed report from BuzzFeed that came out on Friday DC Entertainment suspended Berganza claiming they were doing a “prompt yet careful review into next steps”, then he was fired two days later. Nelson then sent out another e-mail to freelancers who work with DC saying, “Our doors are always open and we look forward to working with our employees and our talent community to do better as an organization and as a leader in the comics industry.”
This is definitely a very bad look for DC Entertainment as they are attempting to save their DCEU universe with Justice League film this week, as well as doing very well as far as storytelling and talent in their comic books. Things like this can definitely be a big distraction, just look at the distractions the Brett Ratner allegations have also brought to the DCEU. Everyone deserves to work in a safe environment, with all these accusations coming to light I would hope that companies HR departments take a closer look at this so they do no taint their products. How do you feel this was handled by DC Comics? Did they part ways with Berganza a little too late?
DC Comics is a part of DC Entertainment and is owned by Warner Bros.
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Source: BuzzFeed News, Bleeding Cool.