Welcome to LRM Ranks It. The show where we rank movies, TV shows, video games, and everything else in geek and pop culture. This weekly show gives you an insight to the thoughts and opinions of your favorite contributors here at LRM. Check out what we’ve done so far.
Spider-Man: Kyle Malone and Nick Doll started us off by ranking the six live action Spider-Man films. From Toby to Tom, the guys realized they had a lot in common when it came to their love and adoration for this superhero.
Batman: From Keaton to Bale, Kyle and Nick go dark. Batman is a character that’s been played by more people than one cares to count, but that meant there would be plenty to discuss. Check out their thoughts on the Dark Knight.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe: 20 movies in 10 years means there is a lot to think about. Kyle and new guest Stephon White had to mull through this great franchise to pick their top 10. Think it’s easy? It’s not! Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers, Infinity War, The Winter Soldier… all amazing films, but there’s 15 more to consider.
Final Fantasy: The beloved video game series of Role Playing Games has 15 numbered entries and a dozen other sequels and spin-offs. Amazing stories and great characters drive this series whose games can last well over 100 hours in a single play through. Kyle ranks his top three based on first play experiences.
The Wizarding World: Who doesn’t love a good magic trick? Kyle and Editor-in-Chief Joseph Jammer Medina rank the most “magical” movies ever, Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. This series is HUGE so it’s broken down into two parts.
Star Wars: What many consider to be the greatest franchise ever is one of the most difficult to rank. There are AMAZING films in this series, but there are also some TERRIBLE ones. What works and what doesn’t for Kyle and Jammer? Another huge franchise takes two videos to get through it all.
We hope you enjoy these videos and we have a lot more on the way. Be sure to hit the thumbs up on each video, subscribe to our channel, and click the bell so you will be notified whenever new videos are published. And share us with your fellow geeks! Let us know in the comments below what you would like to see ranked!
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