The folks over at the CW are really pulling out all the stops when it comes to their upcoming “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event. Sure, each time we have a multi-episode arc that jumps between all the shows, it’s kind of a big deal, but given all the confirmations of Tom Welling, Erica Durance, among others, returning as characters they once made famous, it’s clear that the network wants to give the ultimate fan service compilation.
So who else is there that they haven’t already brought in. Sadly, Michael Rosenbaum will not be coming back as Lex Luthor, but there still remains another big possibility, as Deadline offhandedly remarked in a recent piece.
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According to them, Lynda Carter could be returning as Wonder Woman, who she brought to life on the small screen way back in the 1970s. With our heroes jumping between time and realities, it wouldn’t be the craziest thing in the world.
What do you think of this possibility? Would you be okay seeing Lynda Carter play Wonder Woman again, even though she’s already played Olivia Marsdin in Supergirl? I mean, it didn’t stop them from doubling up Brandon Routh as another version of Superman.
Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Deadline