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Mark Hamill Glad He Got To Play A Positive Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill say’s he’s glad he got the chance to play a positive Luke Skywalker. Hamill has been vocal about what he thought of the way Lucasfilm handled Luke Skywalker in the sequel trilogy. In The Last Jedi Hamill was asked to play Luke as a broken man who has shunned the Force and thinks the Jedi needs to fade away. This is a far cry from the young Jedi master we left at the end of Return of the Jedi, and instead it’s this positive Luke we see in the finale of The Mandalorian.

It therefore kinda feels like shots fired when Hamill took to social media to express this gratitude towards Mando finale director Peyton Reed.

It’s clear that Hamill at least does not consider Luke to be a symbol of hope and optimism in The Last Jedi. Yet, despite my dislike of the movie, it ends with Luke literally dying to BE a symbol of hope and optimism. Now, I won’t sit here and defend a movie I didn’t enjoy. However,  Luke having lost his way, was never my main issue with The Last Jedi.

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positive Luke Skywalker

Where perhaps I would throw some criticism is the understanding of what sent Luke down this dark path. The scene of Luke considering killing Ben, only change his mind was supposed to explain his new world view. However, to go from where we see Luke in The Mandalorian, to where we see him in The Last Jedi, arguing against the Jedi? For me it never added up adequately enough that I could accept this reasoning. I guess I wanted more backstory and flashbacks than the small scenes in The Last Jedi.

In another Universe, one where Disney showed true patience, we could still have a sequel trilogy to look forward to. So far The Mandalorian has been an excellent next step for what happened after Return of the Jedi. My one depressive tho0ught is that no matter how good The Mandalorian is, events still lead to that sequel trilogy. Overall, I have zero desire to watch an of those most recent Star Wars movies ever again. I don’t think there’s much of anything Disney could do to make me change my opinion on that. Disney rushed out a sequel trilogy, and hired a visionary who in my opinion isn’t any good in J.J. Abrams. That simply cannot be changed and it’s still sad.

What do you think of Hamill’s comments. Were you happy to see a an optimistic and positive Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian? 

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